Clean Air 5K - 1st PLACE*
*1st place overall with an asterisk because none of my competition could legally vote or drink.. Is this a form of child abuse?
Today, I opted for the easy way-out.. the race that was on the other side of town. This weekend was host to several races in Charlotte but most notably on the RunForYourLife Grand Prix Series, The Great Harvest Bread Co. 5K. Due to the point system involved in this series it would be sure to attract the most elite/fastest runners in the area.
While I had originally planned on running in this one, as the date grew nearer my wheels started turning at the possibility of running the not-as-popular Clean Air 5K and possibly snagging a Numero Uno. Finally what sealed the deal for me was checking out the prizes and the 1st Overall Male and Female would receive a new pair of running shoes from Omega Sports. Sweet!
So I toed the start line @ the McAlpine Creek Greenway this morning 8AM sharp. I surveyed the competition and saw more than a handful of High School Track guys that donned their school colors and bright running shoes. Then we were off..
Within the first half mile I saw my pace on the Garmin screaming 4:54 so I decided to pull back slightly as I was being passed by three young high school kids. Man, I feel old. Crazy thing is that I actually thought of quitting again! What is that? Second time in as many 5K's that I was going to pull out before the halfway mark. Anyways, I gotta do speedwork and crunches but nevermind..
Once my heart rate lowered and I found a groove we were at the 1st mile mark in 5:30 flat. The course turns a bit uphill and I was able to pick off two of the guys that took off in the first mile. Then suddenly I was passed by a guy out of nowhere that had some serious spring in his step.
2nd Mile ended around the lake in 11:28 said the course monitor, but Garmin says 5:53. At this point the XC course cuts up thru the woods and back out. I felt pretty confident that I would simply maintain my position as the two ahead of me were about 10 seconds faster. Dug deep for an extra gear and didn't really find much there.
3rd Mile 6:03, really just cruising and not killing it. So I figured I 'd take 3rd place and go home, HOWEVER as I approached the finish they held out the tape for me to break it and announced that I was First Place. But, wait.. How was that? Well, it turns out the other two guys were bandit runners that didn't register and it is questionable if they even began at the start line or jumped in from the woods after the first mile.
So it was a victory but I think the reason it tastes different is because I didn't think I had won during the entire race and couldn't "enjoy" the feeling of being in the lead once, not at all. Plus I would have much rather broken 18min AND won. Course measured 3.14 on my watch, wet ground, high mileage week, pick from any of these excuses.. I need to get back to core strenghtening with my Medicine ball V-ups.
Yet I won't complain as they gave me a nice round of applause and $100 gift certificate to buy a pair of running shoes. Not bad for 3rd/1st/whatever place. The Omega Rep was not happy about me wearing my TrySports gear at the awards ceremony. Lol. :)
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