Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Recover, Reload, Rethink

This past week has been the slow but inpatient process of recovery. It happens that I have never been this sore after a marathon. That was quad-tastic! It doesn't hurt any less by waiting so I have started the process of running some shorter distances to get the blood flowing. I must recover, recharge, and reload for the next marathon that is about 8 weeks out. I am super happy to have this marathon in the schedule for a number of reasons...
a. it is an opportunity to set a new PR on a fairly flat course -sub 2:56:30
b. there is some unfinished business with my race at Boston because of my injury during training
c. I can mark another state off my quest to complete 50 marathons in 50 states, and most importantly
d. I will have the opportunity to meet some legends of the sport in Hal Higdon, Dick Beardsley, Kara Goucher, and Valeriu Tomesco all whom are speaking at the Expo on Friday.

In the meantime, I intend on running in some other local races during my marathon training. You see, while sidelined for 3 weeks due to an achilles injury, I was given ample time to reflect on my training and I was sort of upset that I didn't race on my current level of fitness before it all went south. I was in pretty darn good shape at the end of February and purposely did not run in several races including a Half Marathon in Columbia for fear of injury on my way to Boston.
However, as Murphy's Law states.. "If anything can go wrong, it will" and in fact it did but I did not benefit from racing on my tuned up fitness level in the process.
Perhaps the 5K races will help with some speed work and confidence going into Grandma's Marathon in June.


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