Countdown to 114th Boston Marathon
Countdown to 114th Boston Marathon
Just under 80 days left before the biggest race of my life, thus far. My training has been decent so far and overall conservative. I am well versed in getting injured and therefore I have been very cautious in the last few weeks not to "over do it" and yet I still managed a slight setback.
My right buttox appears to have been strained on my last 20 miler Saturday.

I resourced my running team and found some great "Glute" (gluteus maximus) stretches that seem to have helped in the past few days.
Why so many injuries to runners??
According to Advanced Marathoning, "you increase your risk of injury when your muscles are fatigued, they lose their ability to absorb impact forces, greatly increasing the risk of muscle strain or tendonitis."
So shame on me for trying to squeeze in my weekly mileage late in the week with two longer runs back-to-back. Guess I tried to multi-task and have another son while training.
A recent Runner's World Magazine poll revealed that 66% of runners had reported injury in 2009. So I am nobody special? 2 out of 3 got injured last year?

If I learned anything form this injury it is that I was lucky it is nothing major this time and there are still plenty of days to train before "the race." I have re-evaluated and decided to alter my initial plan which was to run 50 miles per week (mpw)in January, then 60mpw in February, then 70mpw in March. Obviously asking my body to run more miles than it has ever run before is a recipe for disaster and can only result in one thing... injury. Therefore, my new gameplan is to roughly follow the Pfitzinger 55-70mpw, 12wk training program that peaks at 70mpw twice. However, most importantly I need to listen to my body and train accordingly. I watched the race from my computer last year and hope to run it this year.
Hey Mike. congrats on your new son. I wrote a comment in your Myrtle Beach 09 post. please check it out...I Am running MB this weekend. thanks!
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