So, I looked at the calendar on my phone today and counted the Saturdays left until my next Marathon in Duluth, MN. Exactly six weeks from today... This is great news because if it were any sooner I think I would be in trouble. My training this past week was not the volume or intensity that I had hoped as I was struggling with an upper respiratory congestion that my generous 2 year old son, Milo, brought home from daycare for mommy and daddy.
I am hoping that my dead legs and general lethargy are a result of this minor sickness and nothing more related to an overused and under-rested body. It is important to note another possibility that seems to be common after a big event. As I read here, often times the lead-up to a huge race or life event can leave those involved in sort of a funk after the dust settles and the excitement comes to a close.
My experience with this is the reason that I entitled this blog, "There is NO Finish Line." Sure, I stole it from Nike, however, for me it resonates on the level that life is a journey. While we celebrate great achievements of hitting goals that we set or perhaps life moments that we anticipate with a child-like energy, in the end its the journey defines us. It is those 20 milers, those speed workouts, those great carb-loading dinners with family that makes the sweet symphony of life's experiences so beautiful.
I plan to throw down two separate 20 milers in preparation for the race as well as 3 weeks of close to 70-80mpw then a slight taper. Now thats the "plan," but as I read in Og Mandino's book, The Greatest Success in the World,
"God plays chess with us. I am convinced that occasonally, He intercedes in all of our lives and causes things to happen. Then He waits to see how we deal with His move. Some react in a manner that will enhance their future. Others may fight back with anger and despair. And then there are those who act not at all. They are the living dead, spending their days whining and complaining and never making any attempt to change their lives for the better."
"God plays chess with us. I am convinced that occasonally, He intercedes in all of our lives and causes things to happen. Then He waits to see how we deal with His move. Some react in a manner that will enhance their future. Others may fight back with anger and despair. And then there are those who act not at all. They are the living dead, spending their days whining and complaining and never making any attempt to change their lives for the better."

Get ready for the Big Apple!!!
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