Gobble Wobble 5K

Mom had a birhtday and the entire family made the trip to a beach house in Charleston for Thanksgiving.. little did we know that everyone would be struck with a stomach virus and cause us to throw out all the leftovers.
During our stay, we planned to run/walk the TurkeyDay 5K in beautiful downtown Charleston.

I am super happy with today's result..
I ran a 5:20 1st mile then 11:04 @ 2nd and by this point I knew that I had sub 18min but the last mile went fairly smooth until some 54 yr old (I checked the results later for the age) high kicked it at the end and passed me. So I got on my horse and prevented anyone else from doing so.

25th place 17:22 PR :) Race Results
This PR was a result of my increased mileage over the past few months training in preparatiuon for a marathon. In hindsight, I don't feel it was the smartest move to run a 5K during marathon training because of the likelyhood of injury. Sure enough, this race resulted in the inflamation of my problematic knee, but man it felt good in the moment!!
Special shout-out to my cousin John (aka J-Dubs)