Virginia Beach Shamrock Marathon
I was fine for the first half.. I was even holding back a bit because of the last race @ Myrtle where I felt as though I went out too fast. I ran with a guy Scott from Colorado who mentioned that his goal was sub 3hr, but ultimately a Boston birth of sub 3:10:59.. This was right about where I felt that I belonged so we ran together.
@ the half we were 1:30:08 and I felt uncomfortable with the pace.. I felt I had to use the bathroom and was filled with doubt.. it wasn't lon before I began to unravel.
Mile 16 I stopped to use the bathroom.. phew.

Held on for a bout a mile and a half then walked. Defeated as the stark reality of 8.5 miles left and legs felt like junk. Walked to mile 19 then jogged it on in. Mile 24 bathroom again! Finally finished next to a girl that had her BQ barely in a 3:30:XX.. great to witness the last mile! Race Results for Running Events |
The truth is that I didn't log the miles in training in between races that I needed. I hit my lactic acid threshold too soon because my legs hadn't done 20+ miles since Myrtle. Two things happen..
A. my confidence was sky high and I felt that because I did so well in Myrtle that I would be able to repeat. Perhaps lost some drive as well.
B. What felt like I was holding back in the start was actually going out too fast for my fitness level. Plus come to find out you shouldn't "race" two marathons so close together.. rookie mistake.
I learned a lot from this race! Humbled me very quickly. There is a part of this that is mental but if I don't get the long runs in training then there is no way to fake it in the last bit of the race, the truth unfolds. And it gets ugly.
Sidenote: The night before I ate Hibachi Japanese food with my family at a great restaurant and filled up on the rice, scallops, shrimp.. you name it! However, this meal would definitely say hello twice during the race in the form of two #2's.